Full-scale QNAP Data Recovery with ReclaiMe Pro

Modern QNAP NAS like TS-x73 series devices use a complex layout of data storing which include several levels of data organizing:

  • RAID level at which several disks are combined into a single storage. QNAP uses the Linux md driver to build a storage with a given level of fault tolerance.
  • LVM level which is responsible for creating logical volumes on the RAID
  • Cluster map, QNAP feature, translating logical volume blocks into physical blocks. It is used as a part of an automated-tiering storage technique designed to automatically move active (hot) data to high-performance drives while leaving cold (not often requested) data to lower-cost, higher-capacity drive
  • Filesystem, the last level, which actually stores files and folders. QNAP uses ext4 and ZFS filesystems for that.

In such multi-level systems, each level can fail resulting in data loss. We have solutions for any kind of QNAP failure, whether it is a RAID level or a file system failure.

QNAP RAID Recovery

QNAP uses Lunix md-RAID drives to combine disks into a single storage. It can be RAID0, RAID5 or RAID6 layout. ReclaiMe Pro can read slightly damaged md-RAID metadata and reassemble the RAID on-the-fly. However, we recommend checking the configuration manually using RAID analyses (content and entropy analyses). If the analyses point to a wrong configuration, launch a full-scale RAID recovery over the disks first. Read more at RAID recovery page.

LVM and Cluster Map Recovery

Built-in automatic recovery

Once the QNAP RAID is reassembled either based on the metadata records at start or automatically within the RAID recovery capability of ReclaiMe Pro, proceed with LVM and cluster map recovery. If you see the QNAP volume listed under the LVM section (look for the largest volume named like tierdata), scan it for the filesystem. The cluster map for the volume is built automatically. If the recovered data is OK, just copy and finish the recovery. Otherwise, proceed with the extensive QNAP cluster map recovery.

Extensive QNAP cluster map recovery

Select either the reconstructed QNAP RAID or md-RAID volume and click Find QNAP.

Recovering data from a QNAP in ReclaiMe Pro - selecting MD RAID.

This launches 3-steps recovery process:

  1. Initial scan
  2. Searching for pointers
  3. Volumes reconstruction

You can pause the process at each of the steps and save the state of the software, which later can be loaded in the next run at start via the Load save state button. This allows continuing the QNAP recovery process from the point of saving.

Once ReclaiMe Pro reconstructs the first volume, it makes the Show volumes button available. When clicked, all the volumes found are displayed. You can then select a volume and launch filesystem recovery on it by clicking the Recover button.

Recovering data from a QNAP in ReclaiMe Pro - scan the recovered volume.


Clicking any of these buttons pause the current process and make the corresponding Save state button available.

Save state

Allows to save the current state of the software to the file, which then can be loaded to ReclaiMe Pro at start via the Load save state button. Read more at the manual page.

Select all

Becomes active when there are unchecked volume listed. Select all the volumes in the list.

Deselect all

Becomes active when there are checked volume in the list and deselect all the volumes.

Save config

Creates a save state file with all the found volumes which you can then load to ReclaiMe Pro at start and get all the volumes for further analysis.


Becomes active when a single volume selected. Launches the filesystem recovery on the volume. The window with files and folders id displayed. If you need to return to the recovered volume list, click Go back.


Clicking the button stops the QNAP recovery process and returns you to the disk list.